About Us
Life Centre Ministries began in the heart of the Lockwood family in 1968, when they first stepped foot in South Africa. They began by pioneering a church in the town of Port Shepstone. From there they branched out into other cities in South Africa, then across the ocean to India, Mauritius, Poland, etc. Some churches were pioneered while others joined the fellowship. Life Centre Ministries was incorporated in 1974 and has continued to grow. It has been active in over 20 countries through the years evangelizing; establishing churches, Outreaches, Bible Colleges, and Orphanages; and welcoming already established ministries into the fellowship. In 2018 Life Centre Ministries celebrates 50 years of fruitful ministry.
The Lockwood’s youngest daughter, DeAnna, has been involved in the ministry since it’s inception - she was 5 years old. She met her husband (Kevin) in South Africa for the first time at the age of 12, and they fell in love at the age of 15 when Kevin joined a Life Centre Ministries church. However, under the evil apartheid system at that time, it was forbidden for blacks and whites to become romantically involved so they hid their love as best they could. At the age of 18, they were found out so after high school graduation DeAnna was taken back to the USA and they were told to forget about one another! Over the next 32 years Kevin and DeAnna saw each other only 5 times briefly, and each time they laid eyes on one another there was a pain in their heart and they knew they still loved one another - but life had moved on and they were married and had children with other people. At the mature age of 50, the two soul mates met after a long period of time. Their marriages to other people had failed and they finally realized that their love could no longer be denied. Finally, in December 2015 they were joined as husband and wife, and are now free to fulfill their passion and calling to world missions together! They spent the majority of their lives in the ministry but unfulfilled without a true partner to live and serve with. God’s grace and restoring power has given them a second chance! They have a beautiful “blended family”: DeAnna with her daughter, Jennifer, and son, Shawn; and Kevin with his two sons, Keegan and Seth. They love one another and enjoy spending time together whenever possible.
Now DeAnna, Kevin, and Shawn are continuing the work into the second and third generation. Their vision is to continue planting and welcoming new churches and outreaches worldwide into their fellowship; assisting and training their charges; cultivating close relationships between churches in the various fields, and providing short and long-term missions opportunities between all of the countries. Their goal is to continuously strive to be a powerful, well-balanced ministry that will resource the churched, reach the unreached, and bring reformation to the nations through the preaching and teaching of the full counsel of God's Word, the Bible.
“Continuing the work of the Lord from Generation to Generation”
DeAnna Lockwood Frost
DeAnna grew up on the mission field of South Africa and at a very young age, she became involved with the ministry - beginning with children’s ministry, then progressing to youth ministry, and then traveling with an acting/singing youth outreach group.
After graduating from high school, she returned to the USA and attended Christ for the Nations Bible College (CFNI). After graduating from CFNI she spent a year in Fort Worth, TX working with the youth in a small Assembly of God church,
before moving to Denver and began serving on the LCM International Board of Directors as the International Secretary.
In 1995 God called her, along with her family, back to South Africa to pioneer a Bible College and oversee the 50+ LCM churches in that country.
In 2004 she moved back to the USA in order to run the LCM World Missions headquarters and oversee the entire ministry as the International President. For the next 11 years, she traveled and ran the ministry on her own.
Finally, in 2015 DeAnna was reunited with her soul mate, Kevin, and he joined her in her life-long calling to Life Centre Ministries. Together they currently do all of the administrative work, fundraising, speaking in supporting churches, and traveling to the countries giving apostolic oversight and encouragement to the churches, Bible Colleges, Orphanages, and Outreaches.
God has given DeAnna the ability to do things she would have never dreamed of doing. Being the youngest of 4 daughters, she was a shy, insecure, and fearful person. It is the anointing of the Holy Spirit that has caused her to go into sometimes very difficult situations to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She has a passion for souls and wins people to Christ through relationships. She is real, down-to-earth, and loves people. Her message is simple; “God can use you no matter who you are. You just have to be a willing vessel.” She uses humor and her own life experiences to motivate people to step out of their comfort zone and allow the Holy Spirit to do something spectacular through them!

DeAnna Lockwood Frost
International President
Kevin Frost
Kevin was born in South Africa to a large family of 9 children – affectionately called the Frost “Tribe”! He joined the Life Centre Ministries mother church at the age of 15 and was personally fathered and mentored by the founder, Jack Lockwood. He was considered one of Jack’s sons.
Kevin preached his first sermon at the age of 16 and discovered his passion for ministry. Kevin was actively engaged in the local church; he attended Life Bible College, taught summer Bible Clubs, led Worship, and was part of a quintet known as “The Inspirations”.
After High School, Kevin attended Welco, an Engineering School of Welding, where he developed his skills as a Specialist Welder. His interest in this field led him into the Oil & Gas Industry where he worked for many years in different parts of the world.
Even though Kevin was in a secular job, he still remained active in ministry and furthered his Theological Studies at the International Correspondence Institute of South Africa. Upon his graduation in 1984 he was Ordained with Life Centre Ministries and began functioning as an Evangelist. He traveled throughout South Africa conducting crusades and speaking in LCM churches. Kevin served on the LCM South African Executive Committee as the Secretary for many years and taught at the Life Bible College in Johannesburg.
In 2005 Kevin emigrated to Australia with his family and remained there for 10 years. Regardless of where his skills as a welding specialist took him around the world, he always found time for ministry as that is his passion. Over the years Kevin has helped to pioneer churches, assisted worship teams, and preached whenever he was invited.
In 2015 Kevin emigrated to the USA and married his soul mate, DeAnna. He is currently the International Vice-President and works alongside his wife doing what he is truly passionate about – world missions! Kevin is a captivating, animated preacher and teacher of God’s Word. He loves to expound on the scriptures and strongly believes in the church’s Divine mission on earth. Kevin thrives on being a source of encouragement and inspiration to church leaders. He believes we all must develop into our full calling and be effective in ministry.

Kevin Cecil Frost
International Field Director
Shawn Agnew
Like his mother, DeAnna, Shawn also grew up on the mission field. He too was 5 years old when he was first taken to South Africa. Shawn loved living there and embraced the South African culture. To this day he regards it as his home! He even prefers the South African sports (rugby and soccer) so much so that he has become a nationally certified rugby referee through USA Rugby.
Fitness is one of Shawn’s passions and talents. He graduated from and instructed in the National Personal Training Institute. Shawn also studied Exercise Science and Dietetics at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. He continues to maintain all of his National Certifications in the fitness industry. Shawn is currently working full-time as the chief educator and national facility design lead for a firm that designs and installs commercial fitness facilities. He sees projects through from start to finish, being in charge of everything from the design of the gym, to the purchasing of the equipment, to the installation of electrical outlets for the equipment, to the training of the clients on using the fitness equipment when the project is complete.
Shawn’s loves the outdoors! His favorite thing to do is go camping and hiking with his Siberian Husky! They climb “fourteeners” (mountains with an altitude of 14,000 feet above sea level) together and explore the beautiful Rocky Mountains in the state of Colorado where they currently reside.
Shawn is a natural born leader who enjoys travel and loves diverse cultures so missions is a natural fit for him. Shawn currently serves on the LCM International Board and goes on mission trips as often as he is able. He helps with the media aspect of the ministry, keeps us up-to-date on current marketing trends, and helps with the running and maintenance of the International Headquarters. Him being the succession plan for Life Centre Ministries is, of course, overwhelming at times, but he knows that when the time comes for him to assume the directorship, he will be ready and God will be his guide and source. His training is underway as we continue the legacy of raising sons in the ministry for effective continuation “from generation to generation”.

Shawn Agnew
International Vice President
"Over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity"
9124 Red Primrose St
Franktown, CO 80116